Title: FRISC Forum on Information Security in the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry
Location: Måltidets hus, Stavanger
Link out: Click here
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2014-08-29
End Time: 17:00
Secure your information infrastructure in oil and gas business
Integrated operations in the Norwegian petroleum industry contribute to shared solutions that enable to extract more from the resources on the Norwegian Shelf. However, the cyber infrastructure, all infrastructure that builds on ICT, is complex, rapidly growing, and changes dynamically with new application areas. The technological environments of the parts of this infrastructure change and the underlying security assumptions are steadily challenged. Innovation in cyber security, its processes, services, and technologies is crucial for our ability to ensure business continuity, reduce security costs, and enable opportunities following from trust in the infrastructure. Large volume of data and extended use of ICT systems demand that users invest in information security. Improved baseline requirements and implementation guidelines ensure that all companies operate with the same minimum level of security and do not compete based on reduced security.
This workshop focuses on various issues and challenges of information security facing the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry.
The workshop is open to all participants (limited in a small number), with no registration fee. The workshop is organized by the FRISC network and the University of Stavanger.
Norwegian Oil and Gas Association